This page provides a collection of resources to help you understand key concepts related to domain management, such as DNS, records, and more.
Asking For Help
- How do I ask a good question? - A guide on how to ask a good question by Stack Overflow.
- How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - A long and comprehensive guide on asking questions the smart way by Eric Steven Raymond and Rick Moen.
- JSON for Beginners - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Explained in Plain English by Tapas Adhikary.
- JSON Formatter - A JSON formatter and validator.
- JSON Explained - A video on JSON by Hostinger Academy.
Domain Name System (DNS)
- What is DNS? - A beginner-friendly introduction to DNS from Cloudflare.
- How DNS Works - A fun and colorful explanation of how DNS works using a comic.
- DNS Explained - A video explanation of DNS on YouTube.
DNS Records
- Understanding DNS Record Types - A guide to different types of DNS records from Cloudflare.
- DNS Record Types - An explanation of common DNS record types using a comic.
- DNS Records Explained - A video explanation of DNS records.
Git and GitHub
- The Simple Guide to Git - A simple guide to Git without any deep shit.
- Think Like a Git - A guide for understanding Git.
- How to Clear Browser Cache - A simple guide on clearing browser cache in popular browsers.
- How HTTPS Works - An explanation of HTTPS using a comic.